Product |
Total number and
names |
Stages |
Total number and
names |
Price of product |
$/ton |
Cost per product |
Transition cost |
$/ton |
For all products |
Transition times |
hrs |
For all products |
Total demand |
ton/hrs |
Demand rates |
% |
Percentage of
total demand per product |
Upper Bound of cycle time |
Hrs |
Investment cost coefficients |
$/tons*hrs |
For all products
at stages |
Processing rates |
tons/hrs |
For all products
at stages |
All values of inverse
of conversionare equal to 1.00 (y/n) ? |
f (n)
.Input new values for all
products at stages |
sequence of products (y/n) ? |
if (y)
Input initial assignments of products to time
slots |
assignments of product time slots (y/n) ? |
?constraints (y/n) |
if (n)
.Input at time slots Fixed sequence of products |
Name of the data file
to store the input |