Optimization tool for bi-criterion optimization in process networks:
Max Net Present Value
Min Toxicity
Data base 750 chemical processes and 1000 chemicals
Mass balance, economic information, lethal dose (LD-50)
Automated interface with MILP optimization
Menu driven for exploring options
Plotting Capabilities:
NPV vs. Toxicity trade-offs
Optimal network structure
Implementation in UNIX workstations
I.Network of processes and chemicals with sales and purchases of materials
II.Mixed-Integer linear program (MILP):
Max Net Present Value
Min Toxicity subject to
Notes :
GREENPLAN has been developed by Arzu Türkay and database produced by Christine Shambach under the supervision of Ignacio E. Grossmann .
References for GREENPLAN:
I. E. Grossmann, R. Drabbant and R. K. Jain, Incorporating Toxicology in the Synthesis of Industrial Chemical Complexes , Chem. Eng. Commun.Vol. 17, pp. 151-170, 1982.
Türkay, Arzu, Guidelines for GREENPLAN Interface, Carnegie Mellon University, Engineering Design Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA.